John Hampton wrote:

>>   Currently, the FastCGI handler in HEAD is slightly broken (it is
>>   cleaner than the last patch though).  As soon as we get it finished
>>   I will release 0.5.0; by the moment, it runs as CGI, which is fair
>>   enough in this case :-)
> Can you share the specs of your server?  I got Trac running with
> cherokee on a p3 1GHz with 1 gig ram and a dual p2 400MHz with 512
> megs ram.  Both worked, but were incredibly slow.

  It's slightly bigger, 3GHz and 512Mb.

> This wasn't due to cherokee, but rather to the time it took to load
> python and all the trac modules, etc.  Apache with Trac running as
> CGI was about the same speed of slow. Is your server a lot beefier?
> or did you make any modifications to help increase the speed of
> Trac?

  Yeah, in both cases it has to load the interpreter and all the bunch
  of Python files.  Anyway, in this case, we have not so many bugs
  reports to become in a low performance problem, at least by the

  Anyway, don't worry so much, I hope we will release 0.5.0 soon (with
  FastCGI support) :-)

Greetings, alo.
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