At 09:05 AM 8/17/2006, you wrote:
please take me off your mailing list so I stop getting e mails, Thank you, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Per Michael Pell--

Remove me from this list.
The List?
Yes, remove me from this list.
Move it where?
Just remove me.
From what?
This list.
The list?
Yes, remove me from this list.
Move it where?
REmove me!
Re-move? where did I move it from last time?
Ok, Ok, Unsubscribe me from this list.
The list?
Yes, Unsubscribe me from this list.
When did I subscribe you in the first place?
Just remove me.
From what?
This list.
The list?
Unsub me!!!
I can't.
Why not?!
Because YOU have to do it.
I do?
Yes you do.
How would I know THAT?
From the 8,000 emails per week that get generated from this same question.
Oh, but I don't read them.
Obviously. See here:

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