Bill,  I believe there is an error in your instructions.  It says if the
task isn't accomplished successfully, a new unit must be purchased and start
at the beginning.  I believe it should be:  After purchasing a new unit,
begin again at step 3.  Permits and permissions would already have been

Just to let you know someone was paying attention.


I should be working on  my car.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bill Lessenberry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "The Chevelle Mailing List" <>
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: [Chevelle-list] unsubscribe me please

> At 09:05 AM 8/17/2006, you wrote:
> >please take me off your mailing list so I stop getting e mails,
> >Thank you,       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> AND from me--take your pick :-))
> To unsubscribe from this service you must first
> purchase a
> Craft-O-Matic Adjustable Subscription Cancellation
> Unit. The unit can be
> obtained from most hardware stores and dental clinics.
> Be sure to obtain the proper permits to operate the
> unit from the
> Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Food and Drug
> Administration in
> Washington D.C. USA.
> Be sure to carefully unpack the kit and place each
> component in its
> accompanying mesh safety bag.
> Mount the Pershing DF4 mesinator on top of the
> perforated Gerring Mach
> 77 refibulator and attach them using the
> eight-millimeter torque fork.
> Be sure that the refibulator is mounted at a 66 degree
> angle and
> properly dispersed so that it is flush with the curved
> section of the
> Pyrex thistle tube.
> Place the four sections of the triangular separation
> gear into the
> posture cylinder and lock them into place using the
> band aid adhesive strip.
> Insert the wiggling pin into the wobbling hole, making
> sure that it
> seated correctly.
> Place the D cell battery and the eleven 9 volt
> batteries in the power
> chamber.
> The device should be calibrated before operation using
> the optional
> digital corkscrew accessory pack prior to operation.
> Insert the digital corkscrew through the electronic
> combustion service
> chamber using caution not to touch the reinforced
> tungsten igniter
> control module and quickly turn the inverter drive to
> 28.6 degrees.
> Turn the Craft-O-Matic Adjustable Subscription
> Cancellation Unit upside
> down and hit the bottom plate with a 48-ounce
> ball-peen hammer while
> shaking the unit vigorously.
> Force open the door to the incineration valve
> compartment and set the
> pressure gauge to 719 psi.
> Close the door and seal it shut with duct tape.
> The unit should now be properly calibrated and ready
> to use.
> Before activating the Craft-O-Matic Adjustable
> Subscription
> Cancellation Unit, you must first elevate it to a
> height of 229 feet
> above sea level to insure that the unit receives the
> proper oxygen level
> and barometric pressure.
> Point the aerial to 17 degrees north by northeast to
> within the
> parameters of the Telstar GS-2 weather satellite and
> apply pressure to
> the wing shaft on the southern most section of the
> modular accelerator.
> Using the special ratchet adapter supplied with the
> unit, rotate the
> heater core to the "on" position. The "on" position
> has been obtained
> when the green light begins to flash, signifying that
> the red light is
> about to go off.
> Once the red light is off, flip the toggle switch
> labeled "ON/OFF" to
> the "ON" position and count to 47 before logging on to
> the system.
> Logon using your username and password and wait for
> the prompt.
> Once prompted you must check the box with the
> appropriate action you
> wish to take and then press the pressure release
> button and turn off the
> compressor while turning the hand crank at 231 meters
> per minute.
> Next, press control, alt, delete, caps lock, shift,
> number lock, escape
> and tab simultaneously.
> Press enter. You will have one second to complete the
> procedure.
> If you fail to respond in the time limit allowed,
> simply purchase a new
> Craft-O-Matic Adjustable Subscription Cancellation
> Unit and start from
> the beginning.
> Please remember that this is the only way we will
> accept for you to
> unsubscribe from this service.
> We have made every attempt to simplify the procedure
> for your
> convenience. Failure to comply with the unsubscribe
> policy will result
> in immediate termination of your subscription so
> please follow the above
> directions closely
> Regards
> The Chevelle List

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