15th Ave. Food Corporation that sells breads throughout the New York metropolitan area in groceries under the names off Sterns, Kohen and New York kosher has announced that they have been unable to secure Yoshon whole wheat flour.  As of Sunday, December 11 all whole wheat breads from this company should be treated as Chodosh until further notice. With the exception all whole wheat bread, all items that were Yoshon in the past continue to be Yoshon.


King Arthur flour corrections: white whole wheat flour contains spring wheat Chodosh code Aug 15, 2006.


Pizza Mizza, 305 Ave. K., Brooklyn, New York, telephone 718-692-2800. Everything in the store is Yoshon.


Subsational. The address given in a Guide was incorrect.  The correct address it is 992 E. 15th St., Brooklyn.


Diari pasta and cous cous are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Star K of Baltimore.


Primoro pasta and cous cous are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Star K of Baltimore.


Spiga pasta and cous cous are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Star K of Baltimore.


American Roland pasta and cous cous are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Star K of Baltimore.


Gustoro cous cous is Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Star K of Baltimore.


Everything Spelt Bakery in Monsey.  All items are Yoshon at all times, including items containing oats.  Under the hashgocho of Rav Weissmandl.


Liebers brownies are probably Chodosh at this time.


Kinneret and are Kosherific frozen chalehs and fish sticks are Yoshon until approximately January 15.  Latke mixes are always Yoshon.



The PDF version of the second issue of the Guide is now available from BOTH sites:





The new Guide is also available for downloading by computers with telephone modems without the use of the Internet.  You may get the Guide by dialing directly into our BBS.  For instructions on how to use the BBS call the telephone hot line at 845-356-5743.



The following as of Dec 6


The Guide to Chodosh has gone to the printer.  Below are all of the additions and corrections to the first Guide that are listed in the second issue of the Guide.

You can at this time request a PDF file of the new Guide by sending a blank e-mail message to the following address:


Below are the the additions and corrections to the first issue of the Guide.



WARNING: Kemach has announced that there have been reports of bugs in one batch of their high gluten flour.  This flour has the dating code on it of Y251051. Kemach recommends that this flour be sifted before use.  We are not aware of bugs in any other flour.  We also do not believe that this bug problem has any connection to Yoshon.  It seems to have been a quality control problem at the factory doing the packing of this one batch.

Baltimore establishments corrections, as forwarded by the Star-K.
  • Caf921 at the Pikes has closed.
  • Schmell & Azman Bakery, Baltimore. All items Yoshon except whole wheat products.
  • GoldbergKosher Bagels. The words from store onlyshould be deleted.
  • Fred Weiss Knish Shop should have been called The Knish Shop. For this establishment, all items are Yoshon except (1) sandwich bread is Yoshon only on request, (2) knishes will be Yoshon only for a limited time. A sign will be posted at the store when knishes are no longer Yoshon.

Barley in bulk under hashgocho for Yoshon is available for repacking.  For information call the Canada Kosher Supervision, telephone number 613-216-1818.

Benzs kishke is Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Star K.

Chaims Heimishe Gebachs baked products. Items made with white flour are Yoshon.  Items using whole wheat flour are probably Chodosh at this time.  No hashgocho for Yoshon.

Cheffs Kingdom frozen food items for commercial applications.  All items Yoshon including knishes, egg rolls, blankets, and boerekas.

Chopsies  kishke and Chopsie's pizza are both Yoshon under hashgocho of the Star K.

Dairy Delight Pizza, the address should be 549 Kings Hwy Brooklyn, not Avenue P.

Donut Man, 4708 13th Ave., Brooklyn, telephone 718-436-7318.  Doughnuts are Yoshon.

Dr. Praeger: all fish products are always Yoshon.  Veggie burgers and pancakes contain some oat bran and may be Chodosh.  Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Unger.

Empire frozen pizza and pizza bagels are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the O-U and the KAJ. Empire blintzes are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Yehuda Shain.

Foulds macaroni and cheese has a package date that's 15 months after packing.  The probable Chodosh code would be November 21, 2006.

Gefen noodles and other pasta and a probable Chodosh code of 2335 (233=day of the year, 5=year). Gefen Fat Free crackers have a probable Chodosh code of 08 15 05 (day of packing.)

General Mills/Nestle cereals sold in Israel. There was an error in the Guide. The oats Chodosh date should be Oct 1.

General Mills: The probable Chodosh date for General Mills oats is October 1.  For the General Mills Peanut Butter Cookie Crisp cereal the date on the package is 217 days after packing.  For that the Chodosh code would be May 6, 2006.  For General Mills cookie crisp cereal the date is 248 days after packing giving a code of June 6, 2006.

Gold Medal flour, the malt Chodosh date for the white flour should have been Jul 15 07, 18 months after packing.

Goodies brand cookies and baked products are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Unger.

Good NHearty cereals with the Unger label.  The date on the package is one year after packing.  Probable Chodosh code for wheat in the ingredients is August 15, 2006.  For oats it is August 20, 2006.

Gross cakes and cookies are Yoshon under the hashgocho Rov Weissmandl.

Hersheys Bakery 6764 Rt 9, Grebow Shopping Center, Lakewood.  Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Yehuda Shain.

Kemach soup mixes.  Split pea soup is always Yoshon.  Vegetable soup mix and minestrone soup mix are Yoshon at this time and are expected to be Yoshon for several months.  Package code to be supplied shortly. Kemach whole wheat flat bread has the Chodosh date of Oct 26, 2006.

Kinneret and Kosherific products: frozen chalehs and fish sticks are Yoshon until approximately December 15. Cookie doughs mix status not known therefore not recommended at this time.  Latke mixes Yoshon until approximately January 15.  Onion rings, pizza bagels and pizza bits always Yoshon. Cous Cous and soup mandlen are always Yoshon. All under the hashgocho of Rav Weissmandl.  Pizza bagels are also under the hashgocho of the O-U.

Kol Tov Pizza, in Monsey New York.  The hashgocho for Yoshon as been changed from Rabbi Gruber to Rabbi Unger.

Landau whole wheat cookies, gluten free cookies, shortbread and spelt items are all Yoshon.  Oat and oat bran pretzels may be Chodosh starting with a purchase date of September 11. 

Liebers: cookies without oats are all Yoshon.  Cookies with oats may be Chodosh at this time.  All cereals without oats are Yoshon. With oats, they are probably Chodosh.  All candies and licorice are always Yoshon.  All soup mixes and soups in cups are always Yoshon.  Bread crumbs are always Yoshon. Coat and Bake spray, ice cream cones and corn chips are always Yoshon.  All under the hashgocho of Rav Weissmandl.

Madison Restaurant 68 Madison St., Lakewood. Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Yehuda Shain.

Mikee sesame and teriyaki sauces are aged more than 6 months and are Yoshon.

Old City Caf(also known as The Old City Caf or Old City) pizzas, pizza bagels, burritos, enchiladas are Yoshon as marked on the label. Macaroni and cheese may be Chodosh.  Under the hashgocho of Rav Weissmandl, the O-U and the UM Kosher.

Pillsbury home baking flour information: The all purpose white flour is always made from winter wheat.  For those who are concerned about the malt, flour with the date June 15, 2007 or later may have Chodosh malt in it.  Pillsbury whole wheat flour and bread flour both have the probable Chodosh date on the package of August 15, 2006.

Pita Sababa, 540 Kings Hwy Brooklyn.  Pita Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Gornish.

Quaker oats cereals packed in Canada and sold in the USA have a Chodosh packing date of September 1.  The code for the hot oats cereal would be 540 days after this date.  The package date for this would be February 24, 2007. Quaker malt date given in the the previous Guide for 360 days was incorrect. It should be Jan 10 07.

Reeses Puffs cereal by Gneral Mills, code is 248 days after packing.

Rice Dream in the previous Guide had incorrect codes codes. For the Chodosh packing date of Oct 1, the Rice Dream packages that do not require refrigeration have a code of Oct 1, 2006 (1 year after packing.) For refrigerated beverages the code is Nov 15, 2005 (45 days after packing.)

Sams Bakery, North Hollywood, California is no longer certified as Yoshon.  It has been removed from the Guide.

Samuel Adams beer made from barley malt and under the hashgocho of the star K. is Yoshon up to a package date of April 30, 2006.

Saras Sweets cookies are Yoshon.  At this point we have not yet confirmed whether there is a hashgocho for Yoshon or not.

Savion cous cous, kosher for Passover is made from matzo meal and is Yoshon.

Smackin Good pancakes Yoshon up to approximately January 15.  Potato knishes are Chodosh at this time.  Frozen cookie dough and frozen pretzels status is not known, therefore are not recommended as Yoshon at this time.  All under the hashgocho of Rav Weissmandl.

Streits products have  been Yoshon at all times.  However due to unforeseen circumstances a batch of egg noodles and Chow Mein noodles have been produced that are not Yoshon. These items will have a sticker on them saying NOT YOSHON CERTIFIED.  All other items from Streits are still Yoshon.

Sturm cereals, including oats and farina, the date on a package is two years after packing.  The probable Chodosh date for Sturm oats is August 20, 2007.  For Sturm Farina it is August 15, 2007.

Tradition Soups the probable Chodosh date of August 15 would translate to a package date of August 15, 2007, 2 years after packing. Another possible code would be 2277, where 227 is the day of the year and 7 is the year plus 2.

Twizzler candies with flour in the ingredients may be Chodosh starting with a packing date of Aug 05, code 58LYU5H (58LYU =not important, 5=year, H=Aug in alph order, day of month not in the code.)

Unger pie shells and other frozen dough products may be Chodosh starting with a packing date of August 15.  The code would be 05227, where 05 is the year and 227 is the day of the year. 

Upscale Foods Inc., New Hope, Minnesota, telephone number 763-533-0521. Produces private-label Yoshon pizzas, pizza bagels, tortillas, and enchiladas. Macaroni and cheese may be Chodosh at this time. Under the hashgocho of Rav Weissmandl, theO-U and UM Kosher.

The Vaad Harabonim of Flatbush.  The following are certified by the Vaad as having only Yoshon items in the store: Chadash Pizza, Dagan Pizza, Isaacs Bake Shop, Knish King, M&M Kosher Bakery (pita bread only), Pressers Bakery.

Vita spelt flour.  Both the whole grain spelt flour and the white spelt flour are made from spelt grown in the US.  Therefore they both are Yoshon.

Willmark. The following professional donut mixes are available as Yoshon on special order:  yeast raised donuts, corn muffin doughnuts, deluxe muffin doughnuts, oat bran doughnuts. All under the hashgocho for Yoshon of Rabbi Shmuel Beck.

Yosis pita and bagels, both regular and whole wheat are Yoshon, without hashgocho for Yoshon.


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