23 Aug 05


Yesterday we sent out a Chodosh Bulletin which is reproduced below.  In there we stated that the Chodosh season for freshly baked bakery products has begun this year unexpectedly early.  Specifically we said that for most of the country this date is approximately August 22, whereas for the Midwest it is August 15.  People have been asking me the following two questions.  We would like to try to answer these here and ask that you do not re-ask them in future e-mails or calls the Hot Line.


1) Is my local bakery (and they give the name of the specific bakery) Yoshon already or not?


2) I just brought some bread at the bakery, say on August 22, can I use is bread or not?


In answer to the first question, we do not have the time to contact each individual local bakery at this time.  We are hoping that either through the consumers who are asking their local bakery or through the newspaper ads that we are placing, the bakers will be alerted to the fact that the Chodosh season is upon us.  We are afraid we have to leave up to each individual consumer to check with his local baker to make sure that the baker knows that he has to use only Yoshon flour.  We recognize that it is not always easy to ask this question.  Usually the people behind the cash register or the service counter will not know what's going on regarding Yoshon.  The customer has to find the manager or the owner of the store to get reliable answers.


Regarding the second question, the beginning of this week, August 22, is the time by when many of the local mills in the New York area are sending out flour from Chodosh wheat.  However we would expect that during the next couple of days at least, that the bakers on the local level may still be using old flour.  Therefore the bread that you purchased on August 22 and perhaps for a few days after, probably will still be from Yoshon flour even if the baker is not aware of this change taking place.  As the week of August 22 continues, the probability of getting Chodosh increases if the baker is not using specific Yoshon flour.  You might try asking the baker when he received his last shipment of bakery flour which was not specifically Yoshon.  If this was received before August 22 then it probably is still Yoshon (unless it is that special ConAgra flour mentioned in the August 22 bulletin).  Also keep in mind that some bakeries have sources of flour that are known to be Yoshon even after August 22.











22 Aug 05


The new Chodosh season has come upon us unexpectedly early this year.  Breads, chalehs and other freshly-baked products produced by local bakeries in the New York area and at most other parts of the USA may be Chodosh as early as August 22.  In the Midwest, Chodosh may have started in such bakery products by August 15. 


The harvest of the Chodosh spring wheat crop has progressed unexpectedly rapidly.  The Chodosh spring wheat has arrived at the flour Mills at an unusually early date that surprised even the professionals at the Mills.  The starting dates of August 22 for most of the US and August 15 for the Midwest are estimated to be reasonable estimates.  It is possible that some bakeries will start getting Chodosh flour at some later date.  (However there is one flour mill, ConAgra at Martin Creek PA. This mill supplies the New York Area. It started Chodosh on Aug 15! The code on the ConAgra bakery flour bags would be MC081505. Those bakeries which are using ConAgra flour should check the codes on their flour bags.) It is important to check with your local Yoshon bakeries to make sure that the flour that they are using is certified to be Yoshon.  Many bakers may not yet be aware of the early starting date for Chodosh.


Packaged foods sold in the groceries that are made from spring wheat are not expected to have Chodosh problems until sometime early to mid September.


The Chodosh oats and barley crops are also now being harvested.  We do not expect Chodosh barley to be a problem until sometime in early to mid September.  Some oats products could be Chodosh soon.  However no specific product information will be available for at least one to two more weeks. 


The booklet, the Guide to Chodosh can not be published until sometime mid September despite the early starting season of Chodosh.  This is because many of the people that we need to contact for information for that Guide are still away on vacation.  In addition many of the people producing packaged foods will not yet have information about exactly when Chodosh starts in their products.  Therefore we ask you to frequently check the News section of the Chodosh Hot Line by calling the telephone number 845-356-5743, and selecting number 1for Chodosh news.  Those who have access to e-mail should check for any further forthcoming e-mail bulletins.


Because of the unexpected nature of these developments we ask your help to spread the news about this.  It would be helpful to many people if you could post copies of this e-mail in locations where those who are careful about Chodosh will see it.



Yoseph Herman

The Guide to Chodosh






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