*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**

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The second issue of the Guide to Chodosh has been made available by email and BBS during the week of Nov 12. It was mailed out to all paid subscribers in the beginning of the week of Nov 25. The following are corrections to the new Guide

*WARNING*: According to the Star-K of Baltimore, * Shindler* fish sticks and fish nuggets in _blue* *_packages are Chodosh until further notice. Shindler products in packages of other colors are still Yoshon.

*CORRECTION: Strauss Bakery*. The Guide, under Retail Bakeries, lists Strauss Bakery at 5115 13^th Ave Brooklyn as being under the hashgocho of the O-U for Yoshon. This is not correct. We are not aware of any hashgocho for Yoshon at this bakery. Under the section for Frozen Foods, Strauss Bakery frozen doughs are listed as being Yoshon under the hashgocho of the O-U. On that list, the spanacheese burrito is not under hashgocho for Yoshon.


The Gefen Company asked that an urgent bulletin be issued. Two batches of Gefen barley, that went to the stores during the week of Nov 11, are NOT YOSHON. These have the codes of 10-22-09 and 10-29-09. Gefen had a contract with a company to store Yoshon barley to last the entire season. However, that company went bankrupt and the stock of Yoshon barley was liquidated. Gefen has not been able to secure replacement stocks of Yoshon barley. _Therefore, until further notice, all Gefen barley with date code of 10-22-09 or later is Chodosh._

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Brewer’s yeast. It is questionable whether this poses a Chodosh problem or not. Brewer’s yeast is listed as an ingredient in some foods such as some potato chips.

*Streits* noodles are usually Yoshon under hashgocho. However, one batch of Streits noodles has been produced that is Chodosh. The bags of Chodosh noodles have a sticker warning that it is not Yoshon. All bags without such a sticker are Yoshon.

*Kemach* updates: Grocery sizes of elbow macaroni and spaghetti have the revised Chodosh code of Dec 1 2008. Bulk, food service 10 lbs egg bows have the Chodosh code of 3357 (335=day of year, 7=year.) All flavors of flat breads have the revised Chodosh code of January 1 2009.

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*Ungers *pizza crust has the Chodosh code of 3/19/08.

*Masbia* barley is not being produced any more. Any of this barley on the market is certain to be Yoshon.

*Kineret *chalehs produced in the USA are probably not Yoshon as of the purchase date of Nov 26, according to the mashgiach.

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*KCL hashgochos in Lakewood*. On page 55 of the new Guide there is a statement that KCL does not give any hashgochos yet on Yoshon. That was , by mistake, copied from the previous issue of the Guide. In fact, the KCL does give several hashgochos for Yoshon, as detailed on page 56 of the new Guide.


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I encourage you to download the complete PDF version of the new Guide by sending a blank email message to ONE of the following:



The introductory part of the Guide, the part that did not change from the first issue to the second, can be requested by sending a blank email to


These are also available, as usual, from our BBS.


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