The third and last issue of the Guide to Chodosh for the season has been mailed out to all the subscribers. The following are corrections and additions to the third Guide.

General Mills cereals in Israel: The dates for Israel given on page 33 of the Guide are not correct. The following are the corrections. All forms of Cheerios, plus Fiber1 code is 372 days after packing. For items containing oats this gives the Chodosh date of Aug 1 07. For wheat but no oats the date is Aug 16 07. For Multigrain Cheerios, the package date is 310 days after packing For oats this gives the package code of May 31 07. For wheat but no oats the date is Jun 15 07.

The following are under the hashgocho of the O-U for Chodosh: Smunchies brand spelt products: Hamantashen, Honey Yums, Mr. Soft, Mrs. Soft. Also Yoshon are Honey Yums from wheat.

We have received a report that some Yoshon pizza shops use Yoshon flour for the pizza. However, they use semolina flour that may be Chodosh to line the oven floor. For these pizza shops, care must be taken to switch to some flour with no possibility of Chodosh for lining the oven to avoid questions of Chodosh.

We have received reports that some commercially produced chopped liver contains wheat flour. Check the ingredients, since such wheat flour may be Chodosh.


To try to determine the Yoshon status of items not listed in the Guide to Chodosh carry out the following steps: * If it is made in Israel with a reliable hashgocho for kashrus, it is Yoshon. * If it has the hashgocho of the Badatz of Yerushalaim, or Rabbi O. Y. Westheim, or the Kedassia of London, then it is Yoshon. * If it has a Yoshon label and some kashrus hashgocho printed on the same label, other than the CRC, the Hisachdus dRabonim or the Volover Rav, it is Yoshon. (See the GuideSection 3.3 for policy of some hashgochos regarding malt.) * If it has none of the above and it is not listed in the Guide, try to call the company information phone number listed on the package. For items with oats in the ingredients, ask the company what is the dating code used to indicate the packing date for Jul 26, 06. Any item packed on or later than that date may be Chodosh. For items without oats, but containing wheat other than pasta and noodles, and for barley (not malt or malted barley), the Chodosh packing date is Aug 9 06. For pasta and noodles, the Chodosh packing date is Aug 16 06. For barley malt, the packing date is Dec 15 06. Try to find out from the company what is the package code for the appropriate packing date to determine if your package is Yoshon or not. * If the above is not available, you may try to call the Chodosh Hot Line at 845-356-5743. However, we can not investigate every product that comes up. Step 4 above is your best bet if it can be applied.

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