Bradley A. Hare wrote:
Jason van Gumster wrote:
I can't be the only one who's done successful complex editing in
Cinelerra.  I do fair amount of of work, professionally and
independently, and while I'll admit Cinelerra isn't perfect, it
certainly does the job for me on the projects I choose to use it on.

Could you describe these in a little more detail, e.g. source formats
project size, hardware config etc. ??  Some people seem to have better
luck than others with Cinelerra, knowing why would probably be
helpful for everyone - regardless of their current opinion. Regards,
Brad Hare
If you just start up cinelerra open and say "I'm going to have some fun" (or "learn some neat tricks to teach students") then you are likely working in different ways all the time. You're finding new problems too quickly and not persisting long enough to discover what triggers your problems, to file a bug report and to design a work around. I think this is a risk of working in a hypothetical way with cinelerra. How to crash cinelerra tends to be pretty deterministic. And almost everything has a work around. It is also very common (we see from mails on this list) that the problem is in what the user is asking the program to do. The world of video formats and NLEs is complex. Cinelerra tends to let you feed invalid parameters to render engines. This means you need to then learn what the parameters mean and their valid ranges. There's a learning opportunity for students. But that depends on what type of curriculum you have in mind - something you haven't mentioned.

Cinelerra is only fun to play with once you've learned its quirkiness by completing a few projects and not before.

I have done some successful work with cinelerra. Only some at a professional level and not much of great length or complexity. But I have found in my experimental work that when the scale or complexity increases I can work in pieces: use intermediate renders to lossless formats, break the project into scenes (get out the paper and pen). This has the advantage of making the compositor and background render engine work more efficiently for previewing.

'Crashing through' with cinelerra was no more difficult than with ardour. Ardour is another fantastic powerful program which suffers random crashes, which harnesses really powerful formats and which has new users who keep expecting things to be as simple as with, say, Audacity. Audacity is to ardour as kino is to cinelerra (except Audacity is way more mature than kino). Asking cinelerra to shift to working with a single codec, and to limit its output formats is liking asking ardour to become a loss based audio editor like audacity.

You've got to have some real determination plus an actual non-hypothetical task to get useful behaviour from cinelerra. As plenty of linux users have already learned this determination this isn't a problem for many.

I have worked on cinelerra with dv2/avi source, with mpeg 2 taken from dvds, and now I am mostly working with png and jpg list source material (animation frames taken with a digital still camera and stitched together with a script.) For intermediate renders I also work with a lossless format which supports alpha channel in a Quicktime container. As with most of the successful render output formats this works well as an input format too. There's no point me listing successful cinelerra final render formats - there are a thousand threads already on those topics. Most of the successful render output formats work well as input formats too.

I suspect you would need to be an effective user of cinelerra before you could design an interesting/useful curriculum based on it.

all the best

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