Richard Spindler wrote:
> Hi,
> I've made a little Picture about how I think the User Interface of a
> yet to be named Video Editor could be presented. There is no central
> notion of the camera/projector Model, which I think could be added
> anywhere in the Graphs as a Node with an unlimited Number of inputs.
> Please tell me what you think. Automations are not yet part of the
> Mockup, but could be added. Cross Bus connections would likely not be
> represented by Arrows in a real UI, but rather the Bus would be
> adressed by Name.
> The dotted Lines mean that one element expands to a different View,
> for example in a new Window.
> The same goes for the rectangles with the slashed outline, they
> represent another View, and the connection from the timeline to the
> compositing nodes will be by Name, and not by arrows. Default Names
> would be "Video Track #1", etc.
> cehteh, ichthyo, do you think that the backend could be used with such
> a frontend?

The tracks in a timeline represent a tree, to make it a full graph one
just needs to 'wire' signals between this tracks.

AkhiL mase some drawing some time ago:

This is almost like I imagined it (see the yellow arrows) while it
certainly needs to be worked out in more details. I would like when it
is possible to wire arbitary channels (and channels are here all kinds
of framed data in the backend) to other inputs, maybe with a
conversation/effect node inbetween. (imagine a sound analyzer which can
control zoom or brightness of a video track,...)

This ui is imo far more intuitive and nearer to the current approach
then a node editor and uses screen estate much better.


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