I posted this problem about a year or so ago and we never did find a
resolution to it and I still can't find anything on CCO about it.  The
problem is that I can't reverse telnet out of the AUX port on a 2600
router.  I have a dial modem attached to it that does function, yet when
I try to RT to it the connection is refused.

Here is the config:

line aux 0            
 modem InOut          
 transport input all  
 stopbits 1           
 speed 38400          
 flowcontrol hardware 

Someone suggested adding "no exec", but that had no effect.  This exact
config works just fine on any 2500 in our network, but I have yet to get
RT working with a 2600 series router running 12.0 or 12.1.

Any other ideas?


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