>On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, Howard C. Berkowitz wrote:
>>  I must say that when Kip first showed me what DECnet did to MAC
>>  addresses, the voices of the Marx Brothers echoed in my head "Wanna
>>  buy a DEC?"  I forget the names of the developers of this algorithm,
>>  but one of them used to do an annual apology, saying they just wanted
>>  to avoid ARP and things...got out of hand. :-)
>ISTR that (back with IOS^H^H^HSystem Software 9.x) life was interesting
>for those adventuresome souls who tried running DECNet and XNS on the
>same router.

Oh, indeed.  Also, does anyone remember the interesting interactions 
that would take place when the following conditions applied:

    1.  The router ran DECnet
    2.  The router ran IPX
    3.  The router only had serial interfaces

and you didn't get the configuration JUST right?
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