Have 4 servers plugged into a 2924XL switch. Pegged the links to 100/full
and of all the links our mail server always shows errors:

343 input errors, 169 CRC, 174 frame

None of the  other server links on the switch show any errors of any kind.
Ive swapped cable and ports on the switch and still get errors.

This is traffic on the line, fairly low:

 5 minute input rate 114000 bits/sec, 38 packets/sec
  5 minute output rate 111000 bits/sec, 36 packets/sec

Next would be to look at the server and swap ethernet ports (it has 2)
maybe Ive got a bad ethernet intface on the server?

I think as this is CRC errors its physical layer and/or layer 2 issues
that I'm seeing here. 

Anywhere else to look?


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