I guess you're not aware of Canada's reputation as being a haven for
murderers and terrorists.  Once these people are here, we can't deport them
because of goofy Canadian politics.  When these people come into Canada,
Canada has a responsibility to ensure these people don't have undesirable
backgrounds.  Then when they're here, it's easy for them to get forged
documents indicating that they are Canadian citizens.  That makes the US
immigration department's job more difficult because of the free flowing
policy of letting Canadians pass through the US border with a minimum of
background checking.  It's the freedom that Canada enjoys with the US that's
at risk unless our Government steps up to the plate and tightens things up.
How often have you heard after the fact that Canada Immigration didn't
investigate into people's backgrounds properly?  Far too often I'm afraid.

It wasn't the Canadian immigration department that stopped the guy heading
into the US to blow up LAX on the millenium... it was the US immigration

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Torren Craigie-Manson
> Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 8:22 PM
> Subject: Re: A plan to rebuild.... [7:19611]
> > > --- Leigh Anne Chisholm  wrote:
> {snip}
> > > > I would really hope that of all the things that come out of this, if
> it's
> > > > found that the terrorists came through Canada, the US
> whacks Canadian
> > > > politicians upside the head for their lax immigration policies and
> > > > incompetent information service (Canada's version of the FBI).  They
> should
> > > > have been tracking those terrorists the second they entered Canada.
> > > >
> > > > **I** am not impressed...
> > > >
> Leigh Anne,
> Perhaps you can explain to me why you feel that Canadian
> authorities should
> have spotted these terrorists, but you make no mention of the
> failure of US
> authorities to spot them. Your statement is illogical and insulting to the
> integrity of Canada.
> This is an emotionally charged situation for people around the
> world. Please
> take a minute to stop and think before you appoint yourself judge
> and jury,
> and begin pointing fingers at _anyone_.
> Torren

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