I tried to keep this off the list but you sir are so ignorant.

Just when did it become Canada's job to prevent people entering the U.S.?

The last time I went through the border it was American guards that asked me
where I was from, where I was going and looked at my identification.

And just when did it become the U.S.'s business who gets into Canada?

It's a two way street.  We get a lot of undesirables from down south too.

And while you're at it, explain to me how these terrorists took flight
training in the U.S. to learn to fly the planes they hi-jacked.  How is it
that a Flight Training company employee actually put 2 of these student
pilots up in his house for a few days "for the sake of the flight school".

All of this coming off of CNN.

All Canadians grieve at the terrible loss of life as does most of the free

With the inflammatory type of statements you make against your best
neighbour I can see that most people probably don't care what impresses you.

It would be best if you used your brain first before putting mouth or
keyboard in gear.

Kevin Wigle

----- Original Message -----
From: "Torren Craigie-Manson" 
Sent: Wednesday, 12 September, 2001 22:22
Subject: Re: A plan to rebuild.... [7:19611]

> > > --- Leigh Anne Chisholm  wrote:
> {snip}
> > > > I would really hope that of all the things that come out of this, if
> it's
> > > > found that the terrorists came through Canada, the US whacks
> > > > politicians upside the head for their lax immigration policies and
> > > > incompetent information service (Canada's version of the FBI).  They
> should
> > > > have been tracking those terrorists the second they entered Canada.
> > > >
> > > > **I** am not impressed...
> > > >
> Leigh Anne,
> Perhaps you can explain to me why you feel that Canadian authorities
> have spotted these terrorists, but you make no mention of the failure of
> authorities to spot them. Your statement is illogical and insulting to the
> integrity of Canada.
> This is an emotionally charged situation for people around the world.
> take a minute to stop and think before you appoint yourself judge and
> and begin pointing fingers at _anyone_.
> Torren

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