
Sorry to be a little late to the topic, but I've not kept up lately :-)

About 1 year ago I left a company that provided a TAC for Cisco, I don't
know if alot of people
know it or not, but Cisco outsources alot of the TAC support. When I worked
at the TAC we were rated
on two things, the number of cases closed and our Bingo Score. The Bingo
score is you average rating from
the surveys each of you have gotten when a case is closed. They're were
small monetary rewards for having
the highest number of closed cases accompanied by the number of High 5 Bingo
scores you had received. BTW, a HIGH 5
Bingo is when a customer gave you all 5's on the survey.

What happens alot is the lesser quality engineers who have been lazy all
month, all of a sudden get serious
at the end of the month realizing they don't have the cases closed numbers
and start taking and immediately closing
the cases, only to have them reopened later by another engineer, eventually
this catches up to the person but it went
on alot more frequently that it should have.

Another thing that happens for instance, the team I worked on initially
supported the 1600-3600 Routers for ISDN,
Frame-Relay, NAT, Access-lists, and other general purpose IOS issues. In the
span of a week, management said you
will start getting 700 router cases, my team got about 1 hour's worth of
training and then were charged with solving 700
cases, of course the 700 router is a completely different IOS which took a
little while to get use to.

I suspect that's what happened, a team was given a new techonology to
support, received little training and then were
asked to start solving cases and maintain the same Bingo Scores, etc....

The reason I left the TAC I worked for was monetary, the pay was low, but
the experience was invaluable.

Hope this helps.

Stephen Manuel

-----Original Message-----
Steven A. Ridder
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2002 9:10 PM
Subject: Re: TAC [7:42141]

What I meant was in the past, I have opened up cases for customers on a
weekday, then come a weekend, the TAC engineer is gone until the next Mon.
I was just curious if this was the norm.

""Chuck""  wrote in message
> I would presume that if you have a 7x24 onsite contract, you could expect
> engineering support on a weekend.
> Do you mean someone looking at configurations, checking for bugs,
> failed hardware, what specifically?
> ""Steven A. Ridder""  wrote in message
> > Has anyone ever had TAC work on a weekend?  How can I get an engineer on
> > weekend if I ever needed one?
> >
> > --
> >
> > RFC 1149 Compliant.
> > Get in my head:
> >
> >
> >
> > ""Craig Columbus""  wrote in message
> > > In my experience, either side can close the case.
> > >
> > > I've had TAC close cases that were not even close to being resolved.
> > > assume that there's some type of reward structure for closing cases
> > quickly.
> > >
> > > On another topic, has anyone had the experience that TAC is perhaps
> > > slipping a bit when it comes to the quality of the first line
> > I
> > > don't remember having any problems with TAC until about the time
> > > stock price started seriously dropping.  Since that time, I've had
> several
> > > occurrences where I've had extremely rude and/or incompetent people
> > > initially handle my TAC cases.  In each instance, I've had to get rude
> > back
> > > and insist that they drop the case and transfer me to their
> > > supervisor.  Once transferred, I got the superior TAC support that I'm
> > used
> > > to.  I spoke with a colleague about this, and he told me that he's had
> > > exactly the same experience.  What's been your experience?  Has this
> > > happened with increasing frequency to any of you?
> > >
> > > Craig
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > At 10:28 AM 4/21/2002 -0400, you wrote:
> > > >You have worked with TAC on a case. The problem is resolved.
> > > >
> > > >Who will close the case? The TAC engineer or the customer
> > > >
> > > >Thanks,
> > > >
> > > >Pierre-Alex

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