see inline -

Craig Columbus wrote:
> In my experience, either side can close the case.
> I've had TAC close cases that were not even close to being
> resolved.  I
> assume that there's some type of reward structure for closing
> cases quickly.

Generally, the TAC should be asking the customer if the problem has been
resolved and if the case should be closed.  But depending on
circumstances, TAC can close it as well.  But usually, I get emails from my
TAC engineer asking if the issue has been resolved and can we close the case.

> On another topic, has anyone had the experience that TAC is
> perhaps
> slipping a bit when it comes to the quality of the first line
> engineers?  I
> don't remember having any problems with TAC until about the
> time Cisco's
> stock price started seriously dropping.  Since that time, I've
> had several
> occurrences where I've had extremely rude and/or incompetent
> people
> initially handle my TAC cases. 

Probably because most TAC people are overworked now because of the layoffs. 
Cisco probably have not been selling much new gears in the last 2 years, but
the day to day TAC support business probably never went down, but they laid
off people so fewer people are handling the same amount of TAC calls.

And I think certain things that go to development engineer type groups have
been taking longer and longer to be resolved.  Something that should take 1
week, might now take 2-3 weeks.

> In each instance, I've had to
> get rude back
> and insist that they drop the case and transfer me to their 
> supervisor.  Once transferred, I got the superior TAC support
> that I'm used
> to.  I spoke with a colleague about this, and he told me that
> he's had
> exactly the same experience.  What's been your experience?  Has
> this
> happened with increasing frequency to any of you?
> Craig

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