Buggy/unreliable software is indeed the same anywhere.  But when combined
with buggy/unreliable OS's, now we're talking about a solution that is
REALLY buggy and unreliable.  For example, if your software is only
guaranteed to run at 3 9's, and your OS is also only guaranteed to run at 3
9's, then overall we're talking about a less-than-3-9's of a solution.

You can actually run packetized voice very reliably, and not just for toll
bypass (although it is definitely true that toll-bypass  is the easiest and
most mature kind of packetized voice to do).  The key is that you have to
design things in  a certain way to maximize your reliability.  Many carriers
like SBC use packetized voice with soft-switch signalling in certain parts
of their network, and then you have packetized voice wholesalers like Ibasis
that have massive available voice capacity and a good reputation for
reliability.  There was a huge amount of serious talk after 9-11 for Verizon
and other carriers to contract for backup voice capacity through somebody
like Ibasis in case their voice switches got destroyed again - as during
9-11, people saw that while traditional voice service was severely affected,
packet networks like the Internet were still functioning, so in these kinds
of circumstances, you could say that packetized voice might actually be more
reliable than regular voice.    But again, it takes very careful design to
achieve this kind of reliability.

""Chuck""  wrote in message
> sure. ok. agreed.
> OTOH, buggy / unreliable software is the same, no matter whose platform it
> runs on. A long time ago in a galaxy far away I was able to successfully
> crash Sun Unix boxes several times through sheer ignorance. one was in the
> Sun Sys Admin training class I was taking, the rest were Sun boxes that
> Brokerage Firm had installed in the office where I worked. Proof that
> ain't no such thing as "foolproof" because this here fool can break just
> about anything ;->
> BTW, you have just ht on the major reason for NOT doing packetized voice.
> maybe just limiting it to toll bypass, while keeping your PBX. Sometimes I
> think the only real selling point for AVVID is that is "kewl"  The biggest
> selling points for Windows way back when were the screen savers and the
> games. MCSE = Microsoft Certified Solitaire Expert
> ""nrf""  wrote in message
> > Well, this kind of thing cuts both ways.  A reseller I know is trying to
> > sell AVVID and is on dangerous ground precisely because CM is on Windows
> and
> > the potential customer has had some very bad experiences with Windows
> > servers due to reliability issues and so forth.  The customer is
> > whether to go with AVVID or a traditional PBX, and the fact that AVVID
> so
> > Windows-centric is a significant minus, and in fact could be the whole
> basis
> > for losing the deal, because the customer has to know that his phone
> system
> > is going to always be up without any dithering around.  Yes, yes, you
> do
> > things like clustering to improve the reliability of CM, but the simple
> fact
> > of the matter is that Windows has a well-founded reputation for
> > unreliability when compared to UNIX, and when you're talking about phone
> > systems, unreliability is definitely something that a potential customer
> > does not want to hear.  Not at all.   This is why you rarely see any
> vendors
> > of enterprise software (like DB's, ERP, CRM, SCM, etc. etc.) that don't
> > offer a UNIX version - because just like a phone system, these are
> > applications that just have to reliable.
> >
> > ""Chuck""  wrote in message
> > > for whatever reason, Cisco and Microsoft are partnered for a lot of
> > things.
> > >
> > > Call Manager for *nix??? hahahahahahahahahaha
> > >
> > > IIRC the last Cisco management software presentation, just about
> > everything
> > > is on NT or Win2K boxes these days.
> > >
> > > I believe it's called Market Share - there are far more Microsoft
> > certified
> > > folk than *nix certified folk. Try selling AVVID when you also have to
> > tell
> > > a customer that he has to hire a *nix capable individual or retrain
> > > existing Microsoft capable people. Same for the management platform.
> same
> > > for any of the security related software products.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ""sergei""  wrote in message
> > > > Makes sense, - M$ products need it more...
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > DAve Diaz wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > Remember cisco have no money just $21 Billion dollars in the bank,
> so
> > > no
> > > > > new hardware for a while, no unix in a security lab that is
> > > > >
> > > > > Dave
> > > > >
> > > > > >From: "markh"
> > > > > >Reply-To: "markh"
> > > > > >To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > > >Subject: Re: CCIE Security Lab [7:17848]
> > > > > >Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 00:33:52 -0500
> > > > > >
> > > > > >really?
> > > > > >--
> > > > > >
> > > > > > >I have an official statement from Cisco that says that there
> > be
> > > no
> > > > > > >UNIX, only NT.
> > > > > > >I was there and it's true.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >MS
> > > > > _________________________________________________________________
> > > > > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
> > > http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp.

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