
--On 31 December 2002 09:23 +0000 irfan siddiqui  wrote:

> Hi,
> Does the CCIE qualification exam itself have any worth. I know that your
> not  a CCIE without giving the actual Lab part of the exam, but how does
> the CCIE  written exam scale on its own, career wise. Does it help
> improve job  prospects.

The CCIE qualification exam on its own has very limited jobseeking value. 
However it can, if used wisely be used to demonstrate a continuing 
dedication to personal development.


If you list try to list "CCIE (Written)" on your resume/CV then you will 
most likely be filed in the discard pile by many hiring managers.

If instead you seperately state that you are actively working towards CCIE 
and give a realistic expected completion date it may get your foot in the 
door for more active consideration with some hirers.

> What are the benefits of this exam on its own, or
> is it totally  useless without the LAB part.

It qualifies you to take the lab exam, that is its purpose. It is almost 
pointless to take it if that isnt what you intended.

> Say if i never appear for the LAB, for any reason, would the written exam
> be  any worth of mention, like say on my resume or as a credential.

Only if you want to show yourself as someone who doesnt follow things 
through. If there is a good reason for not completing the lab then you 
could bring up the qualification exam in an interview, but I certainly 
wouldnt recommend putting it on your resume.

> Thanks for all your advice in advance.
> Irfan


        Peter Walker

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