Interesting.  I am looking at doing the same thing after my Sprint circuit
was down three times in three business days for ~4 hours each time.
Something that makes my situation difficult is I have control of the 1700 on
my quest circuit but not the sprint router, it is owned by sprint.  So I
have to leave the sprint router in place and run its eth0 to an ethernet wic
in the 1700 and let it hadle the load balancing.  I'm thinking of trying to
let the 1700 do NAT as well so the ip blocks of both quest and sprint
circuits to appear within the same NAT'ed block inside.  The other part of
the design I have is a vpn established between the firewall behind the
router and a firewall in my co-lo.  I'm thinking of trying to establish the
vpn with an ip on each isp's block for redundancy there then start settign
up all traffic in and out of my site to go through the vpn so I shouldn't
have to worry about the different ip blocks.

""Terry Oldham""  wrote in message
> Hello all,
>      I am attempting to setup a Cisco 1721 Router with load balancing and
> NAT so that we can provide a dual T1 connection to the network. This is
> first time I have done anything like this and I was wanting to know if
> anyone had any good pointers they could give me or any commands that I
> should beware of or add.
> Thanks,
> Terry O

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