Dennis Peterson wrote:
G.W. Haywood wrote:
Hi there,

Some time ago somebody wrote, and somebody else replied:

Why not just run freshclam as a daemon?
Then you really need to have a daemon watcher to keep it going.

Talk of freshclam dying gives me some discomfort, yet in almost two
years running freshclam as a daemon on two - not particularly busy -
servers I've never seen it fail.  It uses around a megabyte of memory
on a machine with 2G of RAM and, doing hourly updates, it takes maybe
three seconds of CPU per month on a 1GHz twin-processor Pentium box.

Naturally if freshclam dies we can expect people to mention it.  I'm
calling for those who run freshclam as a daemon and who don't see any
problems with it to chip into this thread.  How many of us are there?

Here are the non-comment line in my config in case it has a bearing:

DatabaseDirectory /var/lib/clamav
UpdateLogFile /tmp/.clam/freshclam.log
PidFile /var/run/clam/
MaxAttempts 5
Checks 24

Here's how I start it:

/usr/local/bin/freshclam -d --daemon-notify=/etc/mail/clamav/clamd.conf

Does anyone have any clues to the reasons behind freshclam's apparent
unreliability under some circumstances?  Bad DB servers?  Mail load?
Swap?  Locking?  Conflict with other processes?  OS?  Libraries?  ...


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The operation of freshclam is unrelated to the traffic volume of the site so that is unimportant. It does only one job and it does it well. A busy site only means it is a greater liability if it should fail or if it should copy or produce flawed files, or fail to download new files.

But if you run it as a daemon in a production environment then it is a simple best practice next step to monitor it and restart it should it fail. You may have a different view of what is a best practice in this regard (and it may even extend beyond freshclam) that leads you to choose to run freshclam as a daemon without monitoring and watchdog restart capability.

I can only tell you from my experience with several years and many versions of ClamAV that I have found no advantage in any category to running freshclam as a daemon, and running it in cron gives me many options not otherwise available - not the least of which is I can run it at random intervals to help break up lockstep assaults on the servers it polls.

And as an old school Unix admin who still believes in the mentoring responsibility of my position, I will make recommendations from time to time regarding best practices and I recommend if you run freshclam as a daemon that you monitor it and restart it if needed. Sun's SMF and other methodologies (cfengine, watchdog) can do this trivially but fail to do other checks of data integrity which must be scripted. So long as clamd can be killed and left unable to restart because of the presence of a corrupt or badly formated ndb file and since the db update process requires scripting anyway it makes sense to me to wrap the freshclam process and fetching other db's in cron driven scripts that:

Run at random intervals
Validate the databases that are downloaded including those that are not collected by freshclam (Sane Security, MSRBL, for examples)
Move the validated files to the working directory
Test the new files against known samples
Retry on error or server failures
Notify the admin chain and log the error

This is not rocket science.

Who said it was? The OP clearly asked for people who run freshclam as a daemon who have NOT had problems with it in the setup. You are not one of those people so im still trying to figure out why you felt the need to post.

Cmon, this is not rocket science.

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