On Fri, March 2, 2007 11:25 am, Sean Pinegar said:
> I trusted clamav for a long time but ran across an interesting problem
> today. I received an e-mail from a friend that included a powerpoint. I
> opened the powerpoint in linux and wine flagged it as a virus (not sure
> how wine knew there was a virus...can anyone enlighten me on that?). I
> scanned it with clamav and it said the file was ok. I scanned it with
> norton and it came up as being infected. I updated clamAV and tried
> again, same results..the file was ok. I was just curious if anyone else
> has ran into this type of problem? I dont want to ditch clamAV but i have
> to do whats best for the business.

No virus checker can find all viruses, all the time, and any may have
false positives from time to time.

If you believe there really is a virus in that file, I would suggest you
submit it to the ClamAV team so they can add it to their database.

There will be times ClamAV finds a virus Norton cannot, and vice-versa. 
On the average, ClamAV seems to be the finder more often than not.

Daniel T. Staal

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