The file has been submitted. Thank you.

> Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2007 08:55:35 -0800
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Clamav-users] clamav vs norton
> Sean Pinegar wrote:
> > thanks for the replies. I know that sometimes one scanner will find a
> > file that the other wont i was just curious if clamAV tends to not
> > find viruses that norton finds. Thanks again for your reply
> > Daniel...a couple other people tried to make me sound like i had no
> > clue how a virus scanner worked.
> I think you just sounded like you were prepared to make draconian
> decisions based on a sample of one. All the advice given is valid 
> regardless of the AV vendor. You don't yet know if you have a false 
> positive with Norton or a missed virus with ClamAV, so you really have 
> no basis to make any decision. I'd suggest submitting your file to 
> several AV vendors and see what happens.
> dp
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