On Monday November 12, 2007 at 02:48:51 (PM) David F. Skoll wrote:

[ ... ]

> It's not so difficult, but it leads to support calls (we have a large
> number of clients who are not particularly Linux-savvy and who
> hesitate to edit configuration files.)  We've configured our packages
> to turn off PhishingScanURLs by default, but a lot of people don't use
> our Clam packages.

The solution is simple. All you need do is properly post/advertise that you do
not support user installed software; i.e., software not supplied by you. Many
web providers do that presently. You might also strategically place a FAQ
dealing with ClamAV and it's configuration file. Better yet, provide a
pre-configured file that your users could download and install.

> I prefer defaults to be sensible.  They also should be such that they
> don't kill performance.

It goes without saying that your preferences will not necessarily be in
agreement with other users. As far as system deterioration, that is totally
system dependent. What slows down your system may very well have no adverse
affect on another users network.

My own opinion is that the developers are not going to change the default
settings since they are what the majority of users would want enabled by

Just my 2¢.


It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that
the emperor has no clothes. However, the half-wit remains a half-wit, and the
emperor remains an emperor.

        Neil Gaiman

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