On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 10:39 PM, Christopher X. Candreva
<ch...@westnet.com> wrote:
> IMHO, open source projects don't have a business side.
> Opensource projects exist for the developers to get the software they need,
> faster, through colaboration with others. If anyone else finds it usefull
> that's an added bonus. But if no one other than the devs use it themselves,
> the project has fullfilled it's purpose.
> Adding business value is the job of the distros, or Apple if they include
> it, or myself as an ISP. That's why I said before I think the real let-down
> here are the distros that didn't do anything about it.
> Extreme ? Maybe, but that's why I use open-source, for getting best of
> breed, newest, breaking with history when needed.

Well put. Luckily I read your post just before having to mute yet
another endless thread on this list.

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