On Thu, 22 Apr 2010 08:51:00 +1200
Steve Wray <steve.w...@cwa.co.nz> wrote:

> This would be ok if the distros maintained the servers which their 
> distributed version of Clamav updated from.
> They don't. The responsibility in this case is that of those who
> maintain Clamav, not the distros.
> I would suggest that distros may want to take note of this situation;
> its perhaps not unreasonable for them to maintain eg their own Clamav
> update servers.

But the distro are the ones who gave you outdated unsupported software.
Had they provided you with a newer package, you wouldn't have had this

Are you suggesting that if your distribution had packaged ClamAV 0.96
and your server(s) didn't break, that you would *still* be upset? Just
on principle?

I honestly doubt it for one simple reason: You don't read the
announcement list, nor do you follow their twitter account, nor do you
read sites like LWN, (all of which, among others, had announcements 6
months ago) so you would never have known.

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