I don't have time at the present to try out 0.100.2. I am rebuilding
our Web server, which had a disk crash. We have backups, but we need
whole new hardware since the old server had an old 32-bit-only CPU.
Thus a *supported* Linux version will not run, and so a simple disk
replacement was not a viable option. (Unfortunately the new server,
although only a VM, still costs almost 50% more per month than the old
raw hardware, which was adequate, if clunky.)

Back to ClamAV: I don't much like the idea of saying signatures are "up
to date" if only 1 version behind the latest version. Most of the time
that won't matter, but sometimes a really urgent new  signature comes
out and this approach could mislead people into a false sense of

On Thu, 4 Oct 2018 22:27:14 +0000
"Micah Snyder (micasnyd)" <micas...@cisco.com> wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> Thanks for the update.
> I am interested to know how freshclam in ClamAV 0.100.2 performs for
> you.  I have made some tweaks to make it ignore mirrors for less
> time, but more importantly I implemented a change to have it report
> "up to date" in the event that the signature version provided by the
> mirror is 1 behind what was advertised.  My hope is that this
> alleviates the issue.
> Respectfully,
> Micah
> Micah Snyder
> ClamAV Development
> Talos
> Cisco Systems, Inc.
> On Oct 4, 2018, at 4:47 PM, Paul Kosinski
> <clamav-us...@iment.com<mailto:clamav-us...@iment.com>> wrote:
> At Joel's suggestion, i have changed our sampling rate looking for
> ClamAV cvd updates from 15 minutes down to 1 minute. This gives a
> more precise  measurement of how long it takes for the cvd file(s) to
> actually become available from Cloudflare after its presence is
> "advertised" by the CNS TXT record.
> Since these measurements are mainly useful for tuning the ClamAV
> servers, I won't in the future post them to clamav-users unless
> others besides the ClamAV team find them useful. (Maybe they should
> go to the clamav-developers list?)
> In any case, here is the latest log of delays. Note that these more
> precisely measured delays are not explained as mere 15-minute
> quantization errors.
>  2018-10-02 09:18:02  No delay
>  2018-10-02 17:18:02  No delay
>  2018-10-03 01:31:02  00:13:00 delay
>  2018-10-03 09:42:02  00:24:00 delay
>  2018-10-03 17:52:02  00:33:59 delay
>  2018-10-04 01:18:02  No delay
>  2018-10-04 09:40:01  00:21:59 delay
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