Cloudflare will grab the file from our infrastructure once it's been requested. 
 (Otherwise it wouldn't know it was there, we can't push into Cloudflare.). But 
we have discussed a few ideas internally that I think will fix this, let us try 
a couple things and see if it cuts down on this.

On Oct 18, 2018, at 1:55 PM, Eric Tykwinski 
<<>> wrote:

As far as I know you don't upload to cloudflare, it's more of how often does
cloudflare check to see if the files have changed.
So you setup a TTL on the check frequency on the cloudflare website.

Since updates are new they should just be pulled when you ask from the main
clam server.
So you ask for daily-25048.cdiff, and Cloudflare will ask Clam's main server
for that file and cache it.

So my guess would be same as the TTL on the DNS check:<>. 1800    IN      TXT
I.E. 30 minutes for older files, and new ones are when they come in.

Sound about right Joel, Micah?


Eric Tykwinski
TrueNet, Inc.
P: 610-429-8300

-----Original Message-----
From: clamav-users [] On
Behalf Of Paul Kosinski
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2018 1:23 PM
Subject: Re: [clamav-users] Latest report on update "delays"

How can it take 10, 20 30 or more minutes (and I've seen well over an
hour at times) to upload the ClamAV database to Cloudflare? Does it have
to be uploaded separately (and maybe sequentially) from Cisco to each
Cloudflare mirror? Or is Cloudflare's automatic propagation slow?

On Thu, 18 Oct 2018 16:07:38 +0000
"Micah Snyder (micasnyd)" <<>> wrote:

Hi Paul,

I realize it may look misleading to state that you're up to date when
a newer database has been announced.  However, if the newer database
is still being uploaded to the CDN, it is more accurate to say that
the DNS announcement is premature.

The change to freshclam is an effort to ignore potentially premature
database version numbers listed via DNS.

Micah Snyder
ClamAV Development
Cisco Systems, Inc.

On Oct 15, 2018, at 2:26 PM, Paul Kosinski

I don't have time at the present to try out 0.100.2. I am rebuilding
our Web server, which had a disk crash. We have backups, but we need
whole new hardware since the old server had an old 32-bit-only CPU.
Thus a *supported* Linux version will not run, and so a simple disk
replacement was not a viable option. (Unfortunately the new server,
although only a VM, still costs almost 50% more per month than the old
raw hardware, which was adequate, if clunky.)

Back to ClamAV: I don't much like the idea of saying signatures are
"up to date" if only 1 version behind the latest version. Most of the
time that won't matter, but sometimes a really urgent new  signature
comes out and this approach could mislead people into a false sense of

On Thu, 4 Oct 2018 22:27:14 +0000
"Micah Snyder (micasnyd)"

Hi Paul,

Thanks for the update.

I am interested to know how freshclam in ClamAV 0.100.2 performs for
you.  I have made some tweaks to make it ignore mirrors for less
time, but more importantly I implemented a change to have it report
"up to date" in the event that the signature version provided by the
mirror is 1 behind what was advertised.  My hope is that this
alleviates the issue.


Micah Snyder
ClamAV Development
Cisco Systems, Inc.

On Oct 4, 2018, at 4:47 PM, Paul Kosinski

At Joel's suggestion, i have changed our sampling rate looking for
ClamAV cvd updates from 15 minutes down to 1 minute. This gives a
more precise  measurement of how long it takes for the cvd file(s) to
actually become available from Cloudflare after its presence is
"advertised" by the CNS TXT record.

Since these measurements are mainly useful for tuning the ClamAV
servers, I won't in the future post them to clamav-users unless
others besides the ClamAV team find them useful. (Maybe they should
go to the clamav-developers list?)

In any case, here is the latest log of delays. Note that these more
precisely measured delays are not explained as mere 15-minute
quantization errors.

2018-10-02 09:18:02  No delay
2018-10-02 17:18:02  No delay
2018-10-03 01:31:02  00:13:00 delay
2018-10-03 09:42:02  00:24:00 delay
2018-10-03 17:52:02  00:33:59 delay
2018-10-04 01:18:02  No delay
2018-10-04 09:40:01  00:21:59 delay
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