Hi there,

On Thu, 18 Feb 2021, Joe Acquisto-j4 wrote:

Any pointers for using the ClamAVPlugin?

Could you flesh that out a bit?

States one needs to install "File::Scan::ClamAV" which I find,

I found it too.  I found this, for example:


What bothers me is not so much that there's an issue, but that it's
allegedly a serious security issue and there seems to have been no
resonse to it for a year.  Incidentally the link to the module on the
ClamAV Website's download page takes you to a version 1.06 of the
package from 2004.  Micah?  The version on Github is

# $Id: ClamAV.pm,v 1.91 2009/02/07 12:43:13 jamtur Exp $

and there's a version 1.95 (dated 2016) on CPAN.  All in all it looks
like a shambles to me.

It appears this must be complied and should "magically work".

It's a Perl module.  Most of the time installing Perl modules is just
copying files.  Perl is an interpreted language, and most of the time
runs from Perl scripts which are just text files although I'm very
fond of typing one-liners at the command line:

perl -e 'print "Hello, world!\n";'

You can install Perl modules in several different ways, but first and
foremost of course you need the Perl interpreter.  That's almost
certainly on your system already.  If not, look around on the Web for
something called 'Linux' and download it.  It's true that some Perl
modules will need some compilation, but it isn't the rule.  Once a
module is on your system you can just 'use' it (I choose my words

But first...

Instructions seem written for someone that knows how it works.

... you need to explain what you want to do with it.  Generally you
will only want to install Perl modules if either you're writing code
in Perl or you're using some tool which uses Perl to get things done.

I guess I need a tutorial on using perl as well.

Beyond the scope of this list.  There are many tutorials around, but
you really need to read the Camel book.  That's quite a tall order,
but if ever you want to do Linux plumbing then Perl is a very useful
tool to have at your disposal.  I do that sort of thing all the time,
and I don't know what I'd do without Perl.

One of the things I do is scan stuff using my own Perl milter, but it
never occurred to me that I needed a Perl module to do it with, since
the clamd API is very straightforward and you can just send stuff to
clamd from Perl by the ordinary IPC means available in Perl.  Before
you spend a lot of time on this, perhaps you can tell us more about
what you want to achieve.




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