On 21/02/2021 15:25, Joe Acquisto-j4 wrote:

I guess I missed how "simple" clamsmtp is to use, as I got the impression
it had to be compiled.  When it gave me errors on make, I put it aside. My
admittedly limited search skill must be deteriorating further as I did not find
much helpful in the way of documentation.

For instance, the links in the README supplied with the package such as
those below seem defunct:



So, I simply sighed deeply and mournfully  and moved on yet again.

If you have some good links, and docs please feel free to let me know.

It all looks good from here: <http://thewalter.net/stef/software/clamsmtp/>, which is where I got it (and where it comes from). All the links work, and match my memory of things.

Just cleaned and re-built it - I'm on Solaris - and it works fine.

        ./configure CC=cc --prefix=/opt/local

I don't have a SuSE box to hand, but on Centos 7... No problem, configure runs cleanly, make throws a handful of warnings, it Just Works(TM).

                Gary    B-)


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