> Hi there,
> On Thu, 18 Feb 2021, Joe Acquisto-j4 wrote:
>> Any pointers for using the ClamAVPlugin?
> Could you flesh that out a bit?
>. . .  
> One of the things I do is scan stuff using my own Perl milter, but it
> never occurred to me that I needed a Perl module to do it with, since
> the clamd API is very straightforward and you can just send stuff to
> clamd from Perl by the ordinary IPC means available in Perl.  Before
> you spend a lot of time on this, perhaps you can tell us more about
> what you want to achieve.

Thanks for the reply.  

Sorry I did not think to explain properly.  Using Postfix and Spamassassinm
on an OpenSuse version of Linux (15.1 or something) wanting to add AV
scanning to incoming mail.   Started attempting Sophos for Linux (savd ?)
but they have or soon will abandon the product.

Decided on ClamAV and after some fumbling had it working through use of
the ClamAVPlugin.  At lesat an EICAR test email was flagged properly.

Now, it does not appear to work any longer and am attempting to retrace my
steps and coming up short.  As usual, I made few written notes and am slow
to admit my "total recall" may no longer bet exactly "total".

So basically, just want to tie ClavAV (using clamd) into PF/SA to scan and
flag incoming email.  In a way that does not require I learn, or relearn

Aside, I did notice the "security issue" but, thought it minor, in my rather 
isolated environment.  Perhaps you feel it is a serious issue?

joe a



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