> Hi there,
> On Fri, 19 Feb 2021, Joe Acquisto-j4 wrote:
>>> On Thu, 18 Feb 2021, Joe Acquisto-j4 wrote:
>>>> Any pointers for using the ClamAVPlugin?
>>> Could you flesh that out a bit?
>> Sorry I did not think to explain properly.  Using Postfix and Spamassassinm
>> on an OpenSuse version ...
> If you're using Postfix and SpamAssassin you have choices.  Postfix
> can use milters, so clamav-milter which comes with ClamAV might make
> sense.  . . . .

This is the approach I would like to attempt.   

>> So basically, just want to tie ClavAV (using clamd) into PF/SA to scan and
>> flag incoming email.  In a way that does not require I learn, or relearn
> That last part bothers me a bit.  

Sorry. No witty comments come to mind. 

> 73,
> Ged.

Where I am at the moment.  Upgraded OS to Leap 15.2.  That was easy.  I even
took a snapshot of the VM before proceeding.  I can be taught.

Postfix and SA are still functional. clamav and clamav-milter seem to be runing
but are not tied in to mail flow yet, due to my own lack of knowledge.  

For whatever reasons, I am finding it difficult to tease out how to correctly
insert clamav-milter into postfix.  Seems all my internet searches so far
turn up stuff that is suggestive, yet, not confidence inspiring.  

I am not certain, for example, where to place the "call" to clamav-milter.  I 
see examples of syntax in the Postfix docs on milters, but . . . 

At this stage I would rather ask than hack away.  

joe a.


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