> On 21/02/2021 11:49, Joe Acquisto-j4 wrote:
> [SNIP]
>> For whatever reasons, I am finding it difficult to tease out how to 
> correctly
>> insert clamav-milter into postfix.  Seems all my internet searches so far
>> turn up stuff that is suggestive, yet, not confidence inspiring.
>> I am not certain, for example, where to place the "call" to clamav-milter.  
>> I 
> can
>> see examples of syntax in the Postfix docs on milters, but . . .
> This is why I went with clamsmtp, just a simple init script to start it 
> up, and a couple of well-documented changes to master.cf and it all worked.
> I suspect I would still be faffing around with learning about milters now!
>       Cheers,
>               Gary    B-)

I guess I missed how "simple" clamsmtp is to use, as I got the impression
it had to be compiled.  When it gave me errors on make, I put it aside. My
admittedly limited search skill must be deteriorating further as I did not find
much helpful in the way of documentation.

For instance, the links in the README supplied with the package such as
those below seem defunct:



So, I simply sighed deeply and mournfully  and moved on yet again.

If you have some good links, and docs please feel free to let me know.

joe a.  


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