yes sorry ged i relized i posted the wong bit but it was to late 
i also have a vital peice of information for you and humanity and any who read 
this post dont know how to get it to you i will have to make it cyptic so as to 
pass the mordrators 

as it could be mistaken for advitising which is not my objective 

there is an alban cover of a pink floyed record two men shaking hands 
one of the men is on fire      i am not like that 
it is an information war 
and there does indeed exsist a red pill  stay tuned before are interataction is 
over i will give you this vital souce of information 
though you may alredy know of it i have no way of knowing and this souce has 
been  heavly propagandised 

regards colin 

Thu Jan  6 11:26:38 2022 -> WARNING: remote_cvdhead: Download failed (6) Thu 
Jan  6 11:26:38 2022 -> WARNING:  Message: Couldn't resolve host name
Thu Jan  6 11:26:38 2022 -> WARNING: Failed to get daily database version 
information from server:
Thu Jan  6 11:26:38 2022 -> ERROR: check_for_new_database_version: Failed to 
find daily database using server
Thu Jan  6 11:26:38 2022 -> Trying again in 5 secs...
Thu Jan  6 11:26:43 2022 -> Trying to retrieve CVD header from
Thu Jan  6 11:26:43 2022 -> ERROR: remote_cvdhead: Download failed (6) Thu Jan  
6 11:26:43 2022 -> ERROR:  Message: Couldn't resolve host name
Thu Jan  6 11:26:43 2022 -> WARNING: Failed to get daily database version 
information from server:
Thu Jan  6 11:26:43 2022 -> ERROR: check_for_new_database_version: Failed to 
find daily database using server


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