hi ged thanks for all the man stuff will look into :)

i dont like the cron job because it saying as far as i can tell 
its excluding those directories not scanning them .
even if it did it would find zilch as there are no virus signatures on my laptop
virus explanation 
started with a windows os  there used to be a yellow banner across the top
of the browser  saying   "there is a page slowing down your browser click hear 
now i come to think of it   ,it was proberly the cpu being bumped up 

 would you  call a virus that can morph in to three  different flies a virus ?
i thought i was getting rid of the binary files but they were changing into 
some other file
 choices ara  a folder ,a binary file  or a text abc file 

some are only obviouse because the are binary on a linux supposedly system and 
are tied  in to  the operating system  took the tick out of the box for an 
excec file 
and systems monitor stopped working  i have got  it back now but i thought i 
was going to havet to go back to timeshift 
i am quite intutive chap and think sometimes out of the box 

there are nurmouse strange ocurrances  i have wittnesed  one that comes 
to mind is a tab flashing up and was   gone in the blink of an eye 

saying    we can stop this operation or it might have said we cant stop 
this operation 

did you work out the souce  ? i hope that was understandable at least 
if i throw this down the rubbish C???? 64  or a 32 B?? swap the two parts and 
put them together 

i would say if a rat is in a darkend corner in the room no one would know of 
presence when it might pounce or move to another part of the room 
but if you shine a light on that rat in the corner 
evrebody  could then see it and say there is a rat in the corner of the room 
beware and dont go near it 
and the rat would leave as evrebody would know  where it is and its wicked 
purpose could not be carried out 
though it has bitten far to many already 

regards colin 


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