OK Ged you have given me my answer 
and there would be little point in me asking you to repeat it that i would 
presume would only anioy you 
i have a numerical id for myself it is 1000 in the processes 
I found a dogey file the other day just by eye  and sent  it to the trash 
only it did not arrive at destination but looking at my system seems to of 
got rid of quite a few binary files  i also have got the infomation i could not 
produce for you the other day 
its in the cron file and on my process on clam av as is it back to root 
clam also running but 21 cpu%  so its tyring to do something 
but i do not like the look of what that cron file is saying  looks bad 
hopefully i am about to give you that and a clan scan read out of it working 

i also like the look of that clam test file but bionc does not seem to want 
 to list it as an option gone are the days when you could just use 
many different respositys picking and choosing 
but the same could be said for browsers get three pages if you lukey now
and if there  is more just repeating itself  no more 123000 results 
they are restricting it as they go  but they had to offer it sugar coated at 
first other wise no one would have brought it or wish to use it

Now thats said hear is just one more thing if a man stand at the cliffs edge 
and does not relize that the footing is unsure and could very likely end up 
plunging into the sea would it not be remiss of another man to warn that 
the ground was unstable 
this virus and i am not talking about computers the big C word has not been 
isolated 100% fact not comming from fake checkers where that name would be more 

Thank you again for all your help if you still want to go on with me 
i would be appreciative but quite understand if you dont as you have alreadey 
given me your answer hear are the two readouts for what they are worth 

cron  tab

2  7 12 * * * /usr/bin/clamscan --exclude-dir=/home/zone8/.clamtk/viruses 
--exclude-dir=smb4k --exclude-dir=/run/user/zone8/gvfs 
--exclude-dir=/home/zone8/.gvfs --exclude-dir=.thunderbird 
--exclude-dir=.mozilla-thunderbird --exclude-dir=.evolution --exclude-dir=Mail 
--exclude-dir=kmail -i  --detect-pua -r /home/zone8 
--log="$HOME/.clamtk/history/$(date +\%b-\%d-\%Y).log" 2>/dev/null # clamtk-scan

Dam that scan  it gone back to user 121 again form root and this time it 
was not me who touched the permissions 

kind regards colin 


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