How to understand 32B ou 64B ?

Do I need just to do those 3 line of command ? :

1) sudo /etc/init.d/clamav-freshclam stop

2) sudo freshclam

3) sudo /ect/init/.d/clamav-freshclam start

If your question is the operating system version this is a 64 bytes,

Dorian Rosse.
From: colin course <>
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2022 7:33:47 PM
To: Dorian ROSSE <>
Cc: Dorian ROSSE via clamav-users <>
Subject: Re:[clamav-users] problem for freshclam

you to Dorian from blighty

1) OPEN TERMINAL  hope we are talking about linux but it might work on
windows with different commands

first you need to stop clam type this

sudo  /etc/init.d/clamav-freshclam stop
press the return key

now you need to type this
wait for it to finish and go to last stage

sudo freshclam

last of all type this

sudo /ect/init/.d/clamav-freshclam start

you are done
 the last line is basicly the first line with stop and start and hears another
usefull command but not part of this solution and will open up more options for 
you but i got stuck on the private mirror right at the end sigh

sudo dpkg-reconfigure clamav-freshclam manual
gives you a nice blue interface to mess with but do so under your own risk

also i used my intelligence though ged says i got any to stop clam av
updates if you cant update signatures then cvd will rant at you and say
your in cooling off period

of course if you have any questions of my limmited knoledge as i am finding out 
as i go
i will be happy to answer them

one thing more before i go dorian and this is most impornat it is vital you 
look at this though is not related to my solution i will now give it to you
in cryptic form like a riddle hopefully an easy one

64 or 32 B??             if i throw this rubbish down the  C????

put those two words together and search it on your favioute search engine
it is viltaly important the most important of what i  have typed
that you do

all the best kind regards



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