On 21 May 2014 at 19:15:50, Thomas Kristensen (thomas.kristen...@uswitch.com) 
> > You are right, the channel has been closed by me throwing on the 
> exception. I attached a debugger and traced it to line 106 of 
> DefaultExceptionHandler 
> which closes the channel in handleChannelKiller. All of this 
> does makes sense as a default behaviour, but it doesn't seem to 
> be documented in langohr, so it took quite a while to figure out. 

Feel free to contribute doc improvements.

> - ack-unless-exception is confusing at best - it should not throw 
> the exception on but handle it to be valuable. Otherwise users 
> of langohr should just call .basicAck and .basicReject themselves. 
> I'd vote for just removing it from langohr.
> - The behaviour of langohr in the case where a handler throws an 
> exception is not documented in the doc-string of langohr.consumers/subscribe 

Screw doc strings. They cannot describe much because they can't be too
long. http://clojurerabbitmq.info should cover this, in both Working with Queues
and Error Handling and Recovery (the Queues guide can link to the Error 
Handling one, for example ).

Software Engineer, Pivotal/RabbitMQ

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