On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 8:33 PM, Jason Wolfe <jawo...@berkeley.edu> wrote:
> If lazy-cons makes your life easier, I think you can still have
> something very much like it:
> (defmacro lazy-cons [x s]
>  `(lazy-seq (cons ~x (lazy-seq ~s))))

As you pointed out, in most contexts, this will double the number of
lazy-seq calls, which will really hurt performance.

> If you're interested in perf, you'd just have to write your code a bit
> carefully to avoid double lazy-seq'ing the rests:
> (defn map [f coll]
>        (lazy-seq
>          (old-map [f coll])))
> where old-map is the old version of map (modified to cache the call to
> "seq"?).  Does this make sense?

I'm not sure which old-map you mean here.  If you mean the old
lazy-cons version, using your above macro, this will have too many
lazy-seq calls.

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