Mark Engelberg a écrit :
> Let's imagine that you are using map on a collection for which it is
> very computation intensive to generate the rest, but trivial to
> generate the first.

I don't think that's that simple: it depends on what is in the cons. For 
example, if the input seq is the result of mapping a computation 
intensive function (a common source of computation intensive seqs) then 
taking the rest of this seq is cheap because the rest itslef is a 
lazy-seq (as per map definition):

user=> (def b (map #(do (println "mapping" %) %) (range 10)))
user=> (doall (take 3 (map inc b)))
mapping 0
mapping 1
mapping 2
(1 2 3)

When you really want to delay the computation of rest, you can replace 
(rest s) by (drop 1 s) but that holds on s (so does your lazier-map). 
Your lazier-map can be written:

(defn lazier-map
  ([f coll]
    (when-let [s (seq coll)]
      (cons (f (first s)) (lazier-map f (drop 1 s))))))

Hope this helps


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