On Feb 27, 2009, at 11:10 PM, Mark Engelberg wrote:

> I just finished porting my combinatorics code to the new lazy
> constructs, and I discovered some subtleties to using lazy-seq that
> were not at first apparent.
> To begin with, consider the two versions of map:
> The old way:
> (defn map
>  ([f coll]
>   (when (seq coll)
>     (lazy-cons (f (first coll)) (map f (rest coll)))))
> The new way:
> (defn map
>  ([f coll]
>   (lazy-seq
>    (when-let [s (seq coll)]
>      (cons (f (first s)) (map f (rest s))))))
> Let's imagine that you are using map on a collection for which it is
> very computation intensive to generate the rest, but trivial to
> generate the first.
> I believe that in this case, you'd get more desirable behavior from
> the old way than the new way.
> That's because the original lazy-cons kept the first and rest thunks
> separate.  It would force the first to get the rest, but it would NOT
> force the rest to get at the first.  So if you ask for the first, it
> wouldn't do all the rest-generating computation.  However, the new
> version uses a delayed regular cons.  So when you invoke the first of
> the sequence, both arguments of cons are evaluated, so (map f (rest
> s)) is called, and therefore (rest s) must be evaluated.
> If this is unclear, consider this:
> (defn a [] (do (println "a") nil))
> (def s (lazy-seq (cons (a) (a))))
> (first s)
> If you type this into the REPL, you'll see that the rest gets
> evaluated when you ask for the first.
> To get the desired separation of first and rest evaluation with the
> new lazy-seq function, you'd actually need to do something like this:
> (def lazier-map
>  (let [step (fn step [f coll]
>              (when-let [s (seq coll)]
>                (cons (f (first s)) (lazy-seq (step f (rest s))))))]
>    (fn [f coll]
>      (lazy-seq (step f coll)))))
> Basically, I've made a helper function which uses lazy-seq to delay
> the evaluation of the rest, and then wrapped the call to the helper
> function in a lazy-seq in order to delay evaluation of the very first
> item.
> As a challenge, try to similarly fix up the version of filter provided
> on the lazy page so that it fully separates the evaluation of first
> and rest, thus protecting you against unnecessary evaluation if rest
> is a slow operation on coll.  I think you'll find that you end up with
> two levels of indirection, and it's extremely difficult to write it
> properly.  Post your simplest solution here.
> Now in both these examples, you could argue that in all likelihood,
> rest will be a fast operation.  But I chose map here because everyone
> knows the way we're supposed to write map, so it seemed like a good
> choice to illustrate my concerns without having to explain how the
> function works, etc.
> But this kind of problem does actually occur in practice.  It appeared
> in several places in the code I ported, because my code tends to do
> most of the work within the arguments to the recursive call.  I found
> it difficult to reason about where to place the calls to lazy-seq in
> order to achieve the separation I needed for evaluating the first and
> the rest.  I think I pulled it off correctly, but I've got to say I'm
> not crazy about how, to do the "right thing", the code ends up looking
> quite obfuscated.
> In summary, the new version gives you the most power to place the
> delays where you want, but it's hard to get it right.

I think you've got the responsibilities wrong. If someone is making a  
"collection" for which first is cheap and rest expensive, and that  
doesn't build rest via a recursive call to a lazy-seq-bodied function  
(as do all the sequence fns), they could create it as follows:

... (cons cheap (lazy-seq (expensive)))

All consumers of sequences presume each sequence is lazy if need be.  
Pushing the delaying of the rest part onto consumers is backwards. If  
you want a lazy collection, make one.

Clojure's fully-lazy now pretty much follows the "even" model  
described by Wadler:

How to add laziness to a strict language without even being odd:


with the enhancement of allowing interoperability between lazy and  
concrete sequences.

I think your fundamental hangup is on looking at (rest x) as a  
calculation/effect triggered by a consumer. (rest x) is logically just  
a slot lookup that obtains another seq. The laziness of that seq is  
its constructor's problem.


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