Hi Jim,

Am 27.04.2009 um 18:08 schrieb jim:

I'm having a heck of a time getting started with VimClojure and it's
probably all due to my lack of knowing vim. After a lot of poking, I
got the plugin to load and got syntax highlighting working. I also
have got some autocmd's in my .vimrc so that they're listed when I do
a :map. I got the nailgun server running. But I can't get gvim to
start a REPL in a buffer.

Could you point me to some docs or give a quick howto on getting that

Please note, that people reported problems with Vims < 7.2.
So please make sure that you have a reasonable up-to-date vim.

As for the documentation:
For the installation there is information in the README.txt and
a screencast on kotka.blip.tv, which walks you through the steps.

For the usage there is information in the doc/clojure.txt. When you
copied it to the ~/.vim/doc directory, do a ":helptags ~/.vim/doc".
Then you get the online help via ":help vimclojure".

Make sure you have "let clj_want_gorilla = 1" in your .vimrc.

The keymappings use the <LocalLeader> feature of Vim. More
info for this can be obtained by ":help mapleader". Important
to know: the default is \. So <LocalLeader>ef in the docs means
actually \ef for the default settings. Starting the Repl would be \sr.

Also important: If your file contains a ns or in-ns clause, you have
to make sure, that the namespace can be loaded correctly! VC
relies on Clojure for its introspection facilities. So it needs to load
the namespace of the file to work correctly. If you often edit files
outside the classpath, files having side-effect when being loaded
or files with broken syntax you might want to disable the dynamic
features with "let clj_want_gorilla = 0".

Hope this gets you started. If not, I need some more specific
background on the actual problems/errors.


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