I forgot to say that I have:

let clj_want_gorilla = 1

in my .vimrc

On Apr 27, 12:08 pm, Meikel Brandmeyer <m...@kotka.de> wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> Am 27.04.2009 um 18:08 schrieb jim:
> > I'm having a heck of a time getting started with VimClojure and it's
> > probably all due to my lack of knowing vim. After a lot of poking, I
> > got the plugin to load and got syntax highlighting working. I also
> > have got some autocmd's in my .vimrc so that they're listed when I do
> > a :map. I got the nailgun server running. But I can't get gvim to
> > start a REPL in a buffer.
> > Could you point me to some docs or give a quick howto on getting that
> > going?
> Please note, that people reported problems with Vims < 7.2.
> So please make sure that you have a reasonable up-to-date vim.
> As for the documentation:
> For the installation there is information in the README.txt and
> a screencast on kotka.blip.tv, which walks you through the steps.
> For the usage there is information in the doc/clojure.txt. When you
> copied it to the ~/.vim/doc directory, do a ":helptags ~/.vim/doc".
> Then you get the online help via ":help vimclojure".
> Make sure you have "let clj_want_gorilla = 1" in your .vimrc.
> The keymappings use the <LocalLeader> feature of Vim. More
> info for this can be obtained by ":help mapleader". Important
> to know: the default is \. So <LocalLeader>ef in the docs means
> actually \ef for the default settings. Starting the Repl would be \sr.
> Also important: If your file contains a ns or in-ns clause, you have
> to make sure, that the namespace can be loaded correctly! VC
> relies on Clojure for its introspection facilities. So it needs to load
> the namespace of the file to work correctly. If you often edit files
> outside the classpath, files having side-effect when being loaded
> or files with broken syntax you might want to disable the dynamic
> features with "let clj_want_gorilla = 0".
> Hope this gets you started. If not, I need some more specific
> background on the actual problems/errors.
> Sincerely
> Meikel
>  smime.p7s
> 5KViewDownload
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