> I'd like to do something modest but distinguishing. I have a vague
> notion of showing some Clojure data originating in some XML off the
> web, being passed to some filtering/walking code, getting displayed,
> stored in a DB, all without specific DOM/model/recordset APIs, a
> couple of lines for each task. This demonstrating the difference of
> not being OO - using generic abstract data types like maps everywhere.

I agree that the uniform data structures are one of the really cool
things about Clojure, but it seems like a fairly subtle point to try
to get across in such a short amount of time; also, showing people a
language with loads of parentheses *and* saying it's not OO may just
scare people off ;-)  Although to be fair, I haven't been to J1 so I'm
not sure what the audience is going to be like.

For me, 2 of the biggest things are:

* using macros to add new control structures and eliminating
   boilerplate; and

* changing code at runtime.

However, given the time constraint I think that changing code at runtime
will have more of a 'wow' factor to it, and will also be easier to
demonstrate as you can, for example, have a app set up and running with
a known defect, that you could fix as a demo. For enterprise users who
value uptime this is going to be pretty cool (it's not that big a deal
for the folks who run web sites as you can basically roll out changes
across a server cluster by bouncing nodes already

One other tip: if you're going to show source code then set the editor
to highlight brackets in a very light colour so they don't stand out as
much, I've often been surprised at how big a deal people make about them
when coming from Algol family languages.


#ifndef __COMMON_SENSE__  | Ian Phillips
#include <std_disclaimer> | i...@ianp.org
#endif                    | http://ianp.org/

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