On Apr 19, 2014, at 9:15 AM, Paulo Suzart <paulosuz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Been following the list for some time and specially paying attention to what 
> could be the killer clojure app as Akka is for Scala.

I don't think Akka is a "killer app" for Scala. Scala is a multi-paradigm 
general purpose language that is a "better Java" as well as a functional 
programming language. I think the whole "killer app" for a language is a 
ridiculous idea to be honest.

> I keep seeing small libs (I like libs) popping up like ants, but I don't 
> believe none of them (alone at least)  can make clojure explode and become 
> main technology in a old school /ordinary company.

The more important question is "Does Clojure need to become 'mainstream'?" for 
some definition of 'mainstream'. I think the answer is no. We're past the time 
of "one language to rule them all". For years it was C/C++, then it slowly 
shifted to Java, and then C# became a dominant language for Windows while Java 
dominated everywhere else. But that homogeneity has pros and cons. Lately we've 
seen an explosion of programming languages, most of which are general purpose, 
and many of which are based on the JVM. Now we have choice: we can use whatever 
language we find most suitable for the task at hand - or even whatever language 
we just plain ol' prefer! A company can use multiple languages and know they'll 
all play nicely together. Each team can choose their favorite JVM language and 
it won't cause problems with other teams. This is a HUGE improvement on the 
"only Java" world in my opinion.

> What made me give up scala was Scalaz

Well, that I can understand :)

> Sorry guys, I've been posting about Clojure since 2009, and still can't see 
> it becoming the main technology even being the CTO of the company.

A lot of companies are using Clojure for everyday things. A lot of companies 
are quite happily using Clojure as their main technology. But if the CTO is too 
conservative to pick Clojure, that's their choice. It's worth remembering that 
Clojure "endeavors to be a general-purpose language suitable in those areas 
where Java is suitable." -- http://clojure.org/rationale

At World Singles, we use Clojure for accessing databases (MySQL and MongoDB), 
interacting with third party web services (JSON, XML, REST, even SOAP - ugh, 
but it's so much nicer than doing it in Java!), analyzing data, transforming 
data, managing internationalization, logging, environment control... pretty 
much everything. We use it for all our long-running background processes - one 
of which generates and sends about 1.5M HTML emails a day and runs millions of 
JSON queries against a custom search engine. We have a real-time chat server 
written in Clojure (based on a Java Socket.IO implementation). We're just 
starting down the path of using ClojureScript for an internal-facing analysis 
app - using Om and D3 for real-time data display, with core.async over web 
sockets (via Sente).

All new server-side development is in Clojure for us. Two reasons:

* The Clojure code is much simpler, shorter and easier to maintain.
* The team *love* writing Clojure! They're having more fun in their jobs than 

The immutability, easy concurrency, DSLs and so on - those are all icing on the 

Sean Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View -- http://corfield.org/

"Perfection is the enemy of the good."
-- Gustave Flaubert, French realist novelist (1821-1880)

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