Am 09.05.2011 23:32, schrieb Manuel Klimek:
> On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 2:30 PM, Manuel Klimek <> wrote:
>> On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 7:38 PM, Oliver Buchtala <> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Alex, Manuel, and other interested watchers,
>>> I'd like to introduce a preview version of an Eclipse plugin
>>> 'CMakeWorkbench' which is combined with the CMake CDT7 generator
>>> developed lately.
>>> I try to reduce user actions for importing projects and managing working
>>> sets.
>>> By watching solution files generated with CDT7 generator automatic
>>> updating is achieved...
>>> Of course there are still some hitches... and obviously much space for
>>> improvement... but hey ;) that's is my first eclipse plugin
>>> Please find notes about installation:
>>> and a step by step HelloWorld on:
>>> Please: I'd like to have your opinion and maybe some trying :)
>> First impression: very nice.
>> Somehow even the .h stuff works now :)
> No, it doesn't ... It now opens the projects in the background (which
> is nice) and had me thinking that there were no duplicated .cpp files
> in there any more for a moment.
Yepp. This is still an issue.
I filed issues on CDT and reopened the corresponding issue on my github.
I hope I find a clean solution soon.

Basically, I don't like my approach to have a link to the full tree.
Causes trouble and brings redundancy.

Hopefully, they (CDT gang) try to work on the Ctrl-Shift-R for includes.
I will try to add more linked resources (e.g., flex input sources etc.)
Linked folders raise so many problems right now :(

Don't hesitate to add ideas, feelings, suggestions  by means of issues
or comments on my github :)


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