Hi Andre,

On Wednesday, November 6, 2002, at 11:53  AM, André Milton wrote:

Hi Robert,
Big big big issue here. In Montreal (where we are) everything MUST be
english and french (by law). I don't think I've ever built a
non-multilingual site... oh maybe 1 but I was in New York at the time. ;)
I can safely say from experience that even though sites today are often not
equivalent in every language, they are trying to be. We made a choice when
we started building our system. We actually FORCE every language to have
the same structure. When you create a page in english, the french, german,
spanish, etc. pages are created as well (actually a page is independant of
language so I really only have one page in the system... the content however
changes based on your language). This was a choice we made that is quickly
becoming a big feature of our system. If you see our website, you can see
the other language's equivalent for every page. But what if the french is
missing content and you publish? Just make approval dependant on the
language! If the page isn't approved in french but is in english, publish
the english and disable the translation buttons. That's how we do it and
like I said, the response has been very very good.
I agree completely. I'm putting off multi-lingual capabilities until our workflow and communication capabilities solidify in the next major release (winter/spring), but this is exactly how we plan to do it. Having separate site structures in different languages can turn into a consistency nightmare, and after having done a few multi-lingual custom projects with our software, I agree that forcing the site structure on each language helps maintain consistency or structure, and also helps clarify the workflow process between languages.

The primary language site gets a new page, and a draft is published to each additional language, and messages are sent to the appropriate contributors in the workflow (the translators). And all go merrily on their way. :)

We're another Canadian CMS company, btw (pleased to meet you :)).




André Milton

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Robert Clarke

I'd lean towards the first alternative as it's unlikely that the every
single page will be available in every different language (see later).

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John Luxford
Simian Systems
phone : 204.946.5955
web   : www.simian.ca
web content management
application development
consulting and training

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