I'll be the 1st one to chime in and say that operating/maintaining/updating, etc. of any website is as close to a full time job as can be.

Much of the information on the Photo Album is archived material that I have been able to collect over many years. There isn't a whole lot to add but every once and a while, something new comes along.

We have a Forum and there is no reason why it could not be expanded to include some of the areas mentioned by Edd and others. If it was expanded, I would need a couple of people to help out by monitoring the Forum. Idiots try every day to register on the forum and add their garbage and every day I have to go through a banning procedure to keep them out. Then you get what looks like a legit subscriber and he posts all the benefits of Viagra. So there is daily maintenance.

We could probably archive a lot of information from this list into the Forum, but again it is time consuming. To post information regarding sailing news, races, adventures, etc., is always welcome, but I can't do it myself and would need assistance.

Yes it would open the Photo Album to a lot of owners of other boats and they would be more than welcome.

I don't want to take away from Edd's venture but some of it is feasible on OUR (yours & my) site.

Let's see what the list says and maybe even Edd will chime in.


This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

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