Usually the spinnaker launch goes well double handed.
Takedown is more challenging, gybes are real interesting.

NFS - Non Flying Sail - Whitesail
FS - Flying Sail - Spinnaker

I always cringe when I hear stories about problems taking down
or putting masts in. Too easy for injuries to occur. If some time
has gone by since the incident you might ask again. NYC has a
"pole cat"now  - utility truck with a nicely articulated crane. There
are trained volunteers that operate the pole cat and you have
to book a time.


Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2014 16:00:10 -0400 
From: Stevan Plavsa <> 
To: "" <> 
Subject: Re: Stus-List Whisker pole - 32 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" 
That's really generous of you Mike, thanks for the offer. It's just me and 
my girlfriend so I don't think we're ready to launch a spinnaker yet, and 
no topping lift etc. What is NFS/FS? Any racing I do this year will be 
white sail. 
Someone from our club went and bungled taking their mast down using your 
crane... bungled it right overboard for chrissakes. We got a polite (and 
completely understandable not to mention reasonable) letter from your 
commodore telling us we're not welcome to use your crane anymore. Now I 
don't have anywhere to go to get my stick up! Our mast crane is too puny 
for my 'huge' boat and a few of the others at the club. NYC has been very 
generous letting us use their crane over the years. I'll probably have to 
motor over to a marina and have them step my mast for me. If you happened 
to have been around during that debacle I want you to know that I had no 
part in it!!! We quietly got ours down days prior during work hours when no 
one was around. 
Suhana, C&C 32 
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