Don't know how your local racing is regulated, but a whisker pole more than 1.5 
J is usually not allowed.

John McLaughlin 

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Brown <>
To: cnc-list <>
Sent: Fri, Apr 4, 2014 7:55 pm
Subject: Re: Stus-List Whisker pole - 32

During a very light wind race we may just sail straight at the mark and
try to set the sails out all the way, ie 90 degrees to the center line. To do
that I need a long whisker pole, 22' is a little short.

With a J of 13.50, a #1 foot of 22' I would need a 26' whisker pole for a
perfect "barn door". Note that is for sailing by the lee.

With a bit more wind, and hopefully minor waves, I cross the lee and
have crew hold the boom out. Without a whisker pole I can fly the headsail
wing on wing. Just have to be careful, too much steering kills speed.

As the wind picks up a little more we sail safer, not by the lee and use the
whisker pole again.

Finally, in heavier winds I switch to the spinnaker pole. We can run wing on 
up to 14 - 16 kts. Above that there is little advantage in speed. A trick to 
out at the leeward rounding is to come in with main on starboard ( boom on the
port side ) for rights. That will require the main to be gybed. Just as we get 
~ 1 boat
length away the jib sheet is eased just enough to trip the spinnaker pole at the
mast and immediately take the end out and then forward. The jib is brought in
rapidly with the spin pole still attached as the loose end goes to the pulpit.
ie foredeck runs forward with the pole, then trips the sheet end to free it.
Hard to time it perfectly but if we get that right the main is basically brought
up to center as we round and go upwind.

That is too rough on a whisker pole and takes too much time to collapse it. As
you point out they will fold from just catching a wave.

Michael Brown
C&C 30-1

Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2014 17:15:51 -0400
From: Rick Brass <>
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: Stus-List Whisker pole
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

A whisker pole should be 80 percent of the length of the LP of your largest 
headsail. For my 38, that calculates out to about 20' based on a J dimension a 
bit over 16'.

Be careful that the whisker pole is of a diameter appropriate for your boat. I 
think Forespar has a recommendation for pole diameter by boat length. A friend 
bought a pole for his boat that was small diameter, and he folded the pole one 
day when sailing downwind in a chop and the end of the pole dipped into the 

Rick Brass

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