Glad to hear you "got 'er done". Nice job taking off. You mentioned luck. We 
are lucky to have such detailed weather forecasts. 

The Tygon tube sounds interesting. I prefer the winterizing setup I use. Long 
ago, I read a Nigel Calder article that all thruhulls should have a tee 
installed to allow easy clearing. I replaced the 90 degree ell at the engine 
intake thruhull with a tee. To winterize the engine, I simply remove a plug, 
install a barb and hose and stick it into a bucket filled w antifreeze. I hang 
a bucket off the boom so it hangs off the transom and after I see strong pink 
color, I collect the exhaust water and reuse inside the boat. I winterize the 
drains and collect that pink water in a bucket from under the boat. Couldn't do 
that this year as I'm keeping her in water, but I did collect a couple of 
gallons from the engine exhaust even in the water. 

1990 C&C 34R 
Broad Creek, Magothy River, Md 

----- Original Message -----

From: "CNC boat owners, cnc-list" <> 
To: "CNC boat owners, cnc-list" <> 
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 8:36:33 PM 
Subject: Re: Stus-List Winter worries 

I appreciate the advice and the fact that others were also concerned motived me 
to take the day off from work and try to solve the problem. I found the water 
in the intake strainer frozen, but no obvious damage. I put a space heater in 
the engine compartment for 3-4 hours and gave it a while after the obvious ice 
had melted, then started up the engine. The antifreeze pumped through normally 
and all appears well. I am glad I did not leave it for 3 more days to worry 
about. Dave 

BTW- This was the second time I have used my new winterizing approach and I am 
very happy with it. I ran tygon tube from deck level into the engine intake 
port on the bottom near the keel. With the right diameter tubing, it fits 
snugly into the opening and form a decent seal. I then fill the tubing with 
antifreeze from deck level and stick the end into a bucket of antifreeze up on 
the deck so I get a siphon (probably not necessary with the suction from the 
engine but I want it up there anyway to monitor the level). Start the engine 
and wait for the thermostat to open (it takes a few minutes) and it sucks the 
antifreeze through the system. I find this much easier than trying to get 
antifreeze into the system from the engine compartment and it means I can watch 
the bucket and the exhaust while the engine is running and do it all solo. 

On Nov 18, 2014, at 11:03 PM, Chuck S < > wrote: 

As you know, fresh water freezes before saltwater. If it was one day I might 
risk it. Three days of freezing out of the water, I think you have to do 

If there truly is nothing you can do, you've done all you can, don't worry. But 
I always think there is something we can do. Can you call someone to get a 
heater on board? Can you at least get someone to put a Droplight in the engine 
compartment? A single 100 watt lightbulb should be all that is needed. 

FYI, I worked halfday Monday, took care of all my obligations making sure my 
three schools had heat, took a half day off, drove 2 1/2 hrs to winterize my 
boat in the water, in the dark, drove 2 1/2 hrs home to be able to work today. 

1990 C&C 34R 
Broad Creek, Magothy River, Md 

----- Original Message -----

From: "CNC boat owners, cnc-list" < > 
To: "CNC boat owners, cnc-list" < > 
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 10:44:10 PM 
Subject: Stus-List Winter worries 

My boat was finally pulled out of the water last Friday and I am not going to 
be able to get down to winterize the engine (raw water cooled) until this 
weekend. I did the sink/shower plumbing while the boat was still at the dock. 
As luck (or Murphy) would have it, the nighttime temperatures are supposed to 
get down to the 20s for the next three nights. There is not much I can do about 
it now, so how worried should I be about freeze damage to the systems, 
especially since it now has fresh water in it from the trip up the river to the 
winter home. Dave 

1990 C&C 34+ 
New London, CT 


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1990 C&C 34+ 
New London, CT 

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